Silk, Wool & Cashmere Cleaning in Florida

Hometown Cleaners are cashmere dry cleaners and silk dry cleaners. We also specialize in deep cleaning wool clothing. We offer these services to communities in convenient locations across Martin County and Northern Palm Beach County, Florida. Our friendly service and quality work have been the backbone of our business since 1960. We value the communities we serve and provide free pick-up and delivery services.

Silk Dry Cleaning

Silk Dry Cleaners

Silk, like cashmere and wool, generally has a dry clean only label. Hometown Cleaners are specialist silk cleaners and have years of experience with silk shirt cleaning. We also do silk tailoring and dry cleaning of other garments and items made from silk.  

Silk fabrics have strong, natural fibers and require dry cleaning to preserve their color and prevent damage to the fabric. If it is washed at home, the color might fade more quickly, lose its sheen, and even develop a white film that covers the garment.

Dry Cleaning Wool Garments

Dry cleaning wool clothing is the best way to preserve its quality and shape. When wool garments are washed at home, there is a risk of them shrinking. Wool, like silk, is a natural fabric. It is odor, stain, and wrinkle-resistant, but as with all quality fabrics, it must be dry cleaned to preserve its longevity.        

The internationally renowned Woolmark Company recommends that wool clothing be cleaned before storage. They also recommend folding items for storage as it will maintain their shape. To prevent damage from moths and silverfish, they suggest using cedar blocks.

wool clothing dry cleaning
cashmere dry cleaning

Cashmere Dry Cleaners

Cashmere is one of the most expensive natural fibers and is known for its supreme softness, fluidity, lightness, and excellent quality. Hometown Cleaners are experts at cashmere cleaning. Whether you have a cashmere scarf, sweater or dress, dry cleaning cashmere is the best way to preserve its characteristics. 

Fold cashmere clothing for storage and place them in a sealed container or dust bag with lavender to deter moths. 

Free Pickup and Delivery Wash and Fold Services

We provide free pick-up and delivery wash and fold services. Our online wash and fold delivery service motto is “Let’s get you scheduled”. To make use of this service, complete our online form, and we will get in touch to schedule your free wash and fold pick-up and delivery. Hometown Cleaners also has a curbside service available at all locations.  

We are never far from your home or business. Hometown Cleaners offer our services as silk dry cleaners and cashmere dry cleaners. We also do deep cleaning of wool clothing. Contact us online or at any of our convenient locations today.

 Experience the Hometown Difference